Tools4Albion provides calculators for crafting, farming, and reprocessing.

The best way to make use of the data is by using the tools that are built on it: When a price is uploaded, it is visible in the data immediately. Note that the client can only upload the market orders that you load in game, so be sure to browse the market for the prices that you need.

The most recent releases can be found here: Where Can I View The Data I Upload? If you would like to help the Albion Data Project, and all the web sites and applications that use the data provided by it, then the best thing you can do is download our client and run it whenever you’re playing Albion Online. This is achieved with a downloadable client that monitors network traffic specifically for Albion Online, identifies the relevant information, and then ships it off to a central server which distributes the information to anyone who wants it. The goal of this project is to collect and distribute realtime information for Albion Online. !! or Sandbox Interactive GmbH !! Welcome to the Albion Data Project! Try to make sure the invite link is perm.!! These tools are not affiliated with Albion Online !! I probably missed a lot, feel free to comment additional discords. Keep in mind all discord servers, except for the official one, are community-run. It's not uncommon to use 4-5 different discords for trading. Most of them have a trade channel, guild recruitment, etc. While the different discord servers serve different purposes, they all have some common features.

The discords, as you will find, are a lot more active than the forums or reddit. If you're new to the game I invite you to go and explore. Guilds and alliances have their own discord servers, of course, but there are some discord servers that we all share. It can be difficult to keep up with everything only in-game or on reddit, so we have been gravitating toward discord servers.